
Halong Bay Weather in August

Last updated on
March 29, 2024

The weather in Halong Bay during August is a subject of concern for many travelers. Some choose not to visit during this month due to high chance of unfavorable weather conditions. However, despite these concerns, there are still many tourists who decide to explore Halong Bay during this time. 

To assist you in planning your trip, here is some useful information about Halong Bay weather in August.

In short:

  • August has the lowest amount of sunshine of the year, a mere 6 hours a day.
  • Due to the lack of sunshine, August is the least popular month to visit Halong Bay.
  • Just like July, storms and other bad weather conditions occur more frequently.
  • Make sure you stay informed about the weather day-to-day.
  • It is still hot in August so make sure to pack sun protection and a swimsuit.

Is August a good time to travel to Halong Bay?

August is the last month of summer in Halong Bay with increasing temperatures and also heavier rainfall. Visitors might experience occasional storms and typhoons in August. However, there’s no need to raise the alarm.

August falls in the middle of the typhoon season in Ha Long Bay, increasing the chances of experiencing heavy rainfall, strong winds, and rough seas. If you plan to visit during this time, it is essential to monitor the weather forecast and stay informed about any potential typhoons in the area.

Despite the high heat and the possibility of typhoons, August is still a good time to visit Ha Long Bay, provided you are prepared and plan accordingly. Bring appropriate clothing, stay hydrated, and stay informed about any weather updates to make the most of your trip.


Fortunately, the weather is gentler than in July because the temperature won’t reach 40°C anymore. August in Halong Bay has an average temperature of 29°C. The highest temperature is up to 32°C, while the low temperature is around 25°C. With temperatures like this, outdoor activities like swimming and kayaking are more appealing than ever.

On average, Ha Long Bay in August will have 6 hours of sunshine a day, less than other summer months.

Rainfall & Humidity

Summer in Halong Bay brings heat and humidity. The humidity level will be very high in August, at the highest level of the year at 80%. In August, the number of rainy days is about 16 days and the average rainfall is 265mm

In August, the number of rainy days is about 16 days and the average rainfall is 265mm. During this season, the tropical downpour generally arrives in the afternoon.

In late August, the downpour will occur more frequently but it should help cool down the hot and humid conditions.

Sea Temperature

In the summer, swimming is undoubtedly one of the favorite activities that everyone chooses to escape the heat and refresh. Since the weather is humid and warm, the average sea temperature in August is great for swimming: 27°C.

Summary of Halong Bay weather in August

TemperatureAverage: 29°C
Lowest: 25°C
Highest: 32°C
Sunshine hour/day6 hours
Average precipitation265mm
Number of rainy days16
Humidity level80%
Sea temperature27°C

Pros and Cons of traveling to Halong Bay in August


  • August is a hot month and because of this, it is a great time to enjoy some water-based activities to cool down! Snorkeling, swimming, and kayaking are all popular options.
  • Because there is a high chance of unfavorable weather conditions, many people avoid going to Halong Bay during August. If you don’t mind taking a bit of risk, traveling to Halong Bay in August might be quite a bargain.


  • Bad weather can interfere with your plans and it is wise to keep yourself informed of the weather situation every hour. As every day is likely to be a scorcher it might not be for everyone to visit Halong Bay in August
  • Sometimes the weather is too hot in August, and the intense August heat isn’t suitable for all travelers

Tips for traveling to Halong Bay in August

Booking Tips:

  • Stay updated on the weather forecast before your cruise.
  • Contact your travel agency to check if any storms could impact your cruise.
  • If the cruise is confirmed to run despite the storm, relax and enjoy your holiday without worrying.

Packing Tips:

  • Pack light and breathable clothing like t-shirts, maxi dresses, or denim shorts as the weather can be very hot during this time.
  • Don’t forget to bring a swimsuit if you intend to take a dip in the water.
  • Remember to pack sunscreen and sunglasses to protect yourself from the sun’s rays.
  • It’s advisable to have a light rain jacket with you in case of unexpected rain.
  • Stay informed about the weather forecast in advance, as August may experience unusual rains or tropical depressions. This will help you plan your activities more effectively and take advantage of favorable weather conditions.

What to do in case of bad weather?

If a typhoon is expected to happen during your voyage, Bhaya Cruises will go through the procedure to ensure the utmost safety for all our passengers.

If there is any potential threat to any of our guests or ships, the itinerary may be altered to try to avoid any interaction with the storm or any affected areas. Guests are suggested to leave contact details, such as their hotel name in Hanoi or mobile number in Vietnam so Bhaya can help arrange when there’s an issue.

Weather is constantly changing and difficult to predict sometimes. Typhoons and heavy rain are so common in tropical countries and you should not let them ruin your holiday. Keep a positive mindset and appreciate them. After all, you will get to experience the real Vietnam.