Halong Bay weather in December, is it worth visiting?
Last updated on
November 12, 2019
Overview Weather in December
December is winter in Halong Bay, Vietnam when the temperature fluctuates between 15°C and 23°C with an average rainfall just 22 mm. Lower humidity is a big plus for Halong bay weather in December. However, you can expect occasional light rain during this month but it much drier comparing with summer. And Vietnam is a tropical country so the winter is not cold and quite pleasant for westerners.This month is also one of the good time to visit Halong Bay.
Activities in December in Halong Bay
This last month of the year promises to be an ideal time to start off your Halong trip for many reasons.- The top reason is the pleasant weather with less rainfall and drier comparing with the summer time and light sunshine is perfect for relaxing on the beach.
- A typical characteristic of weather in December is fog, especially during the last week of Dec toward January. Halong will show up at a very different beauty in foggy weather. In the morning, all the towering limestone pillars will be wrapper around with a thin layer of fog. It’s some kind of mysterious island what you only see on screen
- The ship is unable to move fast in this weather condition let you slowly sail through the fog, pass the towering limestone pillars and discover the scenery in front. But if you prefer have more sunlight hours for outdoor activities and a lot of sunshine, December may be not a perfect fit.
- (You can read about other months to find the better fit for you here)
- Water in the bay is calm and much lower chance of a storm. That means there will be no unexpected cancellation for your cruise.
- Kayaking is also a must activity when you visit Halong Bay. However, you should row slowly to avoid getting wet since the water is a bit cold in December.
- The wintertime is the fishing season of local fisherman. You can have the opportunity to see the traditional boat and how local people catch fish. It can be a distinctive experience to try a day in the life of a fisherman.
- A specialty of Halong cannot be missed is the squid. “Squid season” starts in October and last until January or February next year.
- Squid is attracted by the light so you will see a truly glamorous scene. In the middle of the night, a dozen glowing wooden boats lightened up by countless light bulbs slowly go through the darkness.
- If you’re seeking something new for the new year, then you are in the right place and right time. There’s always special cruises for Christmas and New Year which offer exclusive itinerary as well as an onboard party. Imagine you will celebrate the new year eve as sailing through magnificent Halong.
- December is also a peak season, the chance to book a cruise tour with a good price is very difficult.
- Therefore, planning your Halong Bay trip in advance would be a good strategy to avoid disappointment cruising with some low-quality cruise company or overpaid.
What To Wear in December
- Bring a lightweight and waterproof jacket. Winter in Vietnam in general and Halong Bay in specific is not very cold. However, heavy fog and drizzle are common so you’d better have a waterproof jacket.
- A pair of shoe since visiting caves can be slippery.
- Cash: If you want to buy souvenirs or tips for staffs during the trip, bringing a small amount of cash would be a good idea.
Tips for traveling Halong Bay in December
As a destination expert with thousands of departures each year, Bhaya Cruise collect useful tips to help you have a wonderful December in Halong Bay.- Bring a lightweight and waterproof jacket. Winter in Vietnam in general and Halong Bay in specific is not very cold. However, heavy fog and drizzle are common so you’d better have a waterproof jacket.
- December is the favorite time for western tourists but the low season for domestic tourists, allowing you to have a more private beach and less crowded attractions.
- Daylight won’t last long at this time. The dark comes quite quickly and it is for your safety that the ship to come back sleeping area on time. Thus, stay ready and stick with your cruise schedule.
We hope that this article will help you planning a perfect Halong Bay Trip this December !
Recommended cruise packages in December
2 Days 1 Night Halong Bay Cruise on Bhaya Classic
From US$338/ 2 adults
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3 Days 2 Nights Luxury Cruise with The Au Co
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Unique Cruise Program
Overnight Premium Cruise plus Seaplane flight
⚡ From US$1,350/ 2 adults
All Transfer Included